This week was lots of fun! We had Zone Conference, so I got to see sister Brimhall! YAY! It was all about the Book Of Mormon and how we need to use it more in our teaching and finding. It really is the keystone of our religion and the source of true conversion. We played "Book Of Mormon Jeopardy" where we would name a book in the book of Mormon then how many points we want and then sister Thomas would read part of a scripture in the book. I didn't get any haha i got close!! Luckily it was each zone against each other and my zone is full of very smart Elders who got many points for us hahah we got a little rowdy and excited.. it was so funny hahaha. My zone was winning. Until President Thomas cheated and made another Zone win. The prize was first at getting lunch haha. It was lots of fun.
We were able to do a lot of street contacting this week to share the "Because He Lives" pass-a-long cards for Easter! It has the ;ink to the He lives Video. If you haven't seen it, go watch it! It's so good! Me and Sister Hiatt had lots of fun. We laughed at how as missionaries we have a radar for people walking and do all we can to get to them haha. walk faster! walk slower! quick turn here! Oh no, cross the street! haha it's pretty amusing. We had a few harsh no's but for the most part people were receptive and we had some great conversations!!
Conference! How amazing was that?! I loved it!!! I love being able to hear the Prophet and apostles and learn from them! Their words are scripture and we need to take them very seriously. I love our Prophet. I know Thomas S. Monson was called of God. I know that they tell us what we need for this time and era. I know that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God and is meant for us today. We need it in our lives to guide and direct us. The world is rapidly becoming more wikid and we need to stay firm to what we know. The book of Mormon gives us strength and power. We cannot miss a day of reading. I love my savior. I know that he lives. I know he knows me personally and is right beside me as I serve him to the best of my abilities. He cries with me when times are hard and smiles with me when miracles happen. He is my Redeemer. I am so grateful for all he has done for me. I am thankful for A Heavenly Father who loved me enough to send His only begotten son and also give me earthly parents to love and support me in all my endeavors. I love my family. I know we will be together forever. I know this church is true and the only true church on the earth. I know these things without a shadow of a doubt and I will tell anyone who asks.
I love you all so much and I am so thankful for your love and support and prayers. It means so much to me and gives me strength. Keep being amazing and press forward.
Sister Heinzlmeir
sister Thomas wanted to photo bomb haha love her! |
me and my friend Elder Fuentes! Keeping our tradition strong of taking a selfie everytime we see each other hahah #selfiesfordays |
Me and Sister Demarchi! One of the best!!! |
a little light reading? |
APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! Elder Kendall and Merrell were on exchanges and played a prank on us. They said they had treats for us. They set up a scavenger hunt at the church. Then the last clue said "april fools, no treats!" then we got mad but then they ran away and brought back a PIZZA!!! so there was a treat!!!! hahaha it was fun. #spoiledsisters |
HAPPY EASTER!!!!! #kissabunnyforgoodluck? |
Meet Annie. She is a saint. She literally took us out for lunch then bought us groceries! Like everything we need and more! Honestly it was one of the nicest things i've witnessed. She melts my heart. |
this little boy is the cutest! he sat with us during conference! |
easter! We went to visit Tanice and everyone and watched them have an eater egg hunt! |
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